July Devlog 2022

Hey Everyone, we are almost there !!!

We have had a few bug-related hick-ups but make sure you dust off your Oculus Quest 2 for the Alpha release of Runaway Mage !!!

Press and Media:

We now have the press/media release publicly available for Runaway Mage !!

If you are wanting to share Runaway Mage with your friends, or access exclusive in-game images, videos, and graphics, make sure you have a look at the Press and Media page now available on our website.

Easter Eggs:

There are a few hidden Easter Eggs, we wonder if you can find them? What does this all mean the the future updates of the game?

If you do find an Easter Egg, make sure to post on social media and tag us, maybe we can give some hints or provide clarity of what the future has in store.

What’s in store for the future?

You may be asking yourself, what’s next for Runaway Mage? There are so many industries that Runaway Mage could apply to, especially within the Mental Health and Medical fields. We are excited to see how we can help make the world a better place by expanding upon and customising Runaway Mage for Hospital environments, mental health assistance, and even aged care.

We are also very excited to publish a collection of Magical Tomes (books) online through Misfit Media. We currently have quite a few books that will come out delving into the lore and world Runaway Mage is set in. Make sure to keep an eye out for these Tomes, they will be truly magical.


June Devlog 2022