Tattoo First Time Dos and Don'ts

By Xander Townsend | Misfit Media Editor


There are many things that can make a person nervous about getting a tattoo for the first time apart from the permanence and pain. It can be quite an intimidating environment especially if you don’t have any friends who have been through the process. Here are some dos and don'ts when getting a tattoo for the first time.

1. Pick the artist based on the design

Artists have many styles and signatures. You will always get the best value when you pick your tattooist based on the style of artwork and concept of the piece you are after. If you give them a concept in their general wheelhouse they are going to be more excited and motivated to add it to their portfolio. Cater to their style.

2. Don’t give an artist a finalised design

Being a tattoo artist means you are providing an artwork as well as a procedure. I understand you want your tattooist to understand exactly what you want and the control provides comfort, but you artist needs to feel that you trust them and their abilities. It is generally unlikely for an artist to tattoo artwork that didn't originate from them. It is definitely extremely unlikely for a tattooist to tattoo a design that isn't theirs, so don’t do them the injustice of providing them a finalised artwork from another artist (especially without their consent).

3. Be patient and wait for the artist you want

A lot of artists will have extensive wait lists, some even go to around 12 months. Be patient and wait for the perfect artist for your perfect design. It is there forever so treat it like a permanent modification.


4. Always have cash ready for your appointment

I know it seems self-explanatory but always bring cash to your appointment. If you have received a quote from your artist, make sure you cater to a potential $200 increase (depending on size of design) in case of adjustment to your piece.


5. Eat and drink prior to your appointment

Artists are definitely and qualified and prepared to help with clients medically, but their resources should be spend tattooing you, not helping you when you are inevitably feeling faint because you didn't eat before your appointment. Do them the justice of being physically prepared for the procedure.


6. Take aftercare seriously

Your tattooist put their professional and creative efforts into your tattoo, the least you can do is take care of it and make sure the hundreds of dollars you put into the procedure do not go to waste. Make sure you keep it clean, don’t swim for 2 weeks, and keep it out of the sun. Most of all, don’t pick at it.


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