Why Supporting Local Businesses is so Important

By Xander Townsend | Misfit Media Editor


As someone who owns multiple small businesses I know the importance of shopping local and just how difficult it can be to conduct business. Support from locals is the one thing that keeps small businesses going, as they are already fighting an uphill battle. Australians have always been known for their support of the underdog and so I make the argument that Australians have motivation to support locally more so then anyone else.

I understand shopping at large chain stores and conglomerates can provide cheaper prices and more accessibility, but here are a few reasons why you should ultimately support your local businesses.


Supporting community jobs and wages

Everyone needs work and whether you can gain it locally or externally has been a determining factor of how much a community can thrive. If more work is available locally, more people can justify staying and therefore contributing to their local economy.


Genuine investment in the service and products

No one cares more about the service you received and has more pride in their products than a small business owner. People who have decided to risk financial stability to provide such a personalised product or service understand that their business is a representation of themselves. You won't get better service or a better product with more attention and care then one that comes from a small business owner. Larger corporations’ main motivation is making as much money as they can, a small business owners main motivation is having pride in their business whilst being able to pay their bills. You will always get a better quality product from someone who has genuine investment in it.


Unique products and services

Small business owners put a piece of themselves into every product. They have pride in their work and most of the time have achieved what they have on their own, without help from any external entities. This creates the perfect environment for complete product freedom with no external restrictions. The most interestingly unique and personalised products always come from local business owners.


Bolstering Tourism

People travel to experience something unique and awe-inspiring. Supporting local businesses allows for the community to provide imaginative and distinctive services and products that many would travel to experience. Tourism is important in any area, make sure you are supporting your community.


When you purchase something at a local store you have actively chosen to support someone who has put everything on the line to try and build something within the community. There isn't any better feeling then knowing you are making your way through a business you created yourself, make sure you help your locals acquire this feeling.


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