Netflix’s The Crew: Perfect Political Blend?

By Daniel Sumpton | Misfit Media Columnist

It is too often that the viewer is forced into watching political monologues from otherwise likeable protagonists in that dreaded “social issues” episode. We all know that episode or series of episodes that come up whenever it’s the time of the year for screenwriters to condescendingly convey how the viewer should think in regard to certain policy issues. But, no matter how hard screenwriters try, the politically aware viewer will always sniff out the condescension due to how the “other side” is always portrayed. From mouth-breather inbred hillbillies with MAGA hats to melodramatic vegan tree huggers, we always have a firm understanding of how stupid the filmmakers feel the other side of the political isle are.


Viewers who want to dodge TV shows that have the nuance on political issues of a street thug beating a poor old lady may want to look to Netflix’s new sitcom The Crew. The show follows the story of Kevin Gibson (played by the hilarious Kevin James), who is the crew chief to Bobby Spencer Racing, a company that has found a new, young, CEO Catherine Spencer (played by the fantastic Jillian Mueller), who wants to radically change the NASCAR garage. The two characters are constantly at odds with each other as Kevin wants to see the garage ran the same way it has been for years, and Catherine wants to implement liberal changes to the company (like having a female driver to boost numbers). 

Netflix’s The Crew is fundamentally engrossing because neither character is seen as unworthy of being listened to. Catherine is an intelligent woman who takes a numbers-based approach in that her decisions are made by the financial incentive attached. Kevin is a likable everyday man who wants to ensure his co-workers are not being screwed over, and doesn’t appreciate Catherine’s apathy. The story is engaging because there is no black and white. There is no right or wrong. There is only a more liberal character and a more conservative character, both with good arguments. Most modern TV shows would simply portray one character as a blatant sexist or the other as a radical snowflake in order to handhold the viewer into who they should be rooting for. 

It is also worth mentioning that The Crew is a successful comedy in that the punchlines always land, which is no surprise given Kevin James is tough to beat in the modern comedy sphere. There are many laughs to be found in each episode, and the brilliant cast keep the bar high. It’s impossible to know whether the next season will be as funny or as nuanced as its first, but it would be a shame to see the show ruined by an awful follow up.  


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