October 2020 Devlog

This month randomised plant colour sets, more plant concept art, and save slots have been implemented.


There is now the ability to adjust the colour and textures of each plant variant. This will enable a customised, random colour set for each individual island. The randomising colour sets can be implemented all the plants and allow for everyone’s island to be different.



Some more plant concept art was drawn up this month. These are based on the amazing writing from out creative writer. These plants will be outlined with additional lore within the Tomes available in the environment. We will be making a library of growable plants completely custom to each individual island. More to come…


Save Slots:

There will now be save slots in Runaway Mage, one for each season. The player will choose the hat of the save slot they want, and when worn it will load the environment of the chosen save.


Again, playtesting is now up and running remotely, we would love to hear from anyone interesting in testing the demo and answering some questions. Please email us at misfitvr.dev@gmail.com  or use the contact tab with the subject line 'Runaway Mage - Demo Playtest'.

Runaway Mage Discord:

We now have an official Runaway Mage discord where all updates and releases will be posted. You also have the chance to chat and ask developers and artists questions. Please Join our community to stay up to date.

Thank you again for all your continued support.


November 2020 Devlog


September 2020 Devlog