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Huge announcements coming soon…


Runaway Mage, single-player VR experience designed to help those who suffer from anxiety and mental illness with a focus is on exploration, immersion, and relaxation.

Xan Townsend Xan Townsend

July Devlog 2022

Hey Everyone, we are almost there !!!

We have had a few bug-related hick-ups but make sure you dust off your Oculus Quest 2 for the Alpha release of Runaway Mage !!!

Press and Media:

We now have the press/media release publicly available for Runaway Mage !!

If you are wanting to share Runaway Mage with your friends, or access exclusive in-game images, videos, and graphics, make sure you have a look at the Press and Media page now available on our website.

Easter Eggs:

There are a few hidden Easter Eggs, we wonder if you can find them? What does this all mean the the future updates of the game?

If you do find an Easter Egg, make sure to post on social media and tag us, maybe we can give some hints or provide clarity of what the future has in store.

What’s in store for the future?

You may be asking yourself, what’s next for Runaway Mage? There are so many industries that Runaway Mage could apply to, especially within the Mental Health and Medical fields. We are excited to see how we can help make the world a better place by expanding upon and customising Runaway Mage for Hospital environments, mental health assistance, and even aged care.

We are also very excited to publish a collection of Magical Tomes (books) online through Misfit Media. We currently have quite a few books that will come out delving into the lore and world Runaway Mage is set in. Make sure to keep an eye out for these Tomes, they will be truly magical.

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Xan Townsend Xan Townsend

June Devlog 2022

With the Alpha Trailer release and the last bug fixes on the game, Runaway Mage is almost at release. Make sure to keep your eyes out for some big announcements and get your Oculus Quest 2 ready !!!

New Scene Composition:

The Island has upgraded and expanded !!! There is now a lot more space to use to utilise all the potential growing spaces and Omen play time.

Mushroom Plants:

Mushrooms now have a new house within the bookshelf. You can grow all different kinds of variant mushrooms, make sure you don’t forget to water them everyday.


Lanterns now have a soft warm glow, lighting up the island for you whilst also making sure it feels like home.

Hanging Plant:

Hanging plants now have physics on the pots and have a lot of growing capacity. You can plant hanging plants on the island and they grow different types and colour leaves.

Official Alpha Trailer:

We finally release the Alpha Trailer including VR gameplay from the build !! Make sure you give it a watch and share !!


Runaway Mage was funded through the Screen Queensland Game Development and Marketing Investment Program.


Please join our Runaway Mage Discord !!! All announcements regarding the game, devlogs, and publications will be posted there (as well as socials). Also get the opportunity to chat to Misfit devs and writers.

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Xan Townsend Xan Townsend

May 2022 Devlog

Runaway Mage is almost here !! Just a few more tweaks and all of you will be able to start growing your very own virtual island sanctuary. Keep an eye out for updates with month !!

Plant Growing:

The plants are being finalised with every persons garden in Runaway Mage looking different. Over the space of around a week, these plants will continue to grow and produce all kinds of leaves and flowers.

There will also be an oak tree which you will get to grow, but only in one spot. You will only ever get to grow one oak tree so make sure you take care of it. Every oak tree will be different and will even drop fruits and sticks for your to use to play with your Omen companion.

And the mushrooms in the game couldn’t be more adorable.

Press and Media:

We also have the press and media kit coming soon to the Website so make sure you keep an eye out for it if you are interested in releasing any content on Runaway Mage’s release !!


You will also be able to see everyone who has contributed to the game within environment, carved on stones behind the house. Make sure to have give it a look !!

Runaway Mage was funded through the Screen Queensland Game Development and Marketing Investment Program.


Please join our Runaway Mage Discord !!! All announcements regarding the game, devlogs, and publications will be posted there (as well as socials). Also get the opportunity to chat to Misfit devs and writers.

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Xan Townsend Xan Townsend

April 2022 Devlog

Hey everyone !! The island scene has now been fully set up for the Alpha build which will be available very soon !! Make sure to keep an eye out for upcoming announcement trailers, builds, images, media and socials. There are so many more things to add to this VR sanctuary and we are excited to release the first instalment of the Runaway Mage experience.

Plant Growing:

Mushrooms and tree growing has now been expanded on and implemented within the Island. You will be able to grow a massive oak tree, and litter cute little spotted mushrooms throughout the planters available on the island.

The well has also been placed within the scene and is interactable, however, the water supply currently isn’t available. Make sure to keep an eye out on the well in future builds, it may provide something you will need to grow some interesting plants.

Seed Jars:

All the seed jars now have functionality and their custom seed labels !! They also have a little wooden stand for you to be able to keep your gardening needs organised. Now, when you rotate the jar, a seed pops out enabling the player to start building their custom garden. Currently the Alpha seeds available will be for Peonie (small plant), Daisy (Omen head plant), Lark Ascending (medium plant), Fly Agaric (mushroom), and Acalypha (hanging plant). Keep in mind, these plants might look a little different to what you are used to with their labels. More plants will come in future builds and you will need to discover the seeds through exploring the island, but these seeds will be freely available for the alpha build.

The Runaway Mage trailer will be released soon also so make sure to keep an eye out for that !! We are so excited for you all to finally be able to build your own virtual sanctuaries and make Runaway Mage your own.


Please join our Runaway Mage Discord !!! All announcements regarding the game, devlogs, and publications will be posted there (as well as socials). Also get the opportunity to chat to Misfit devs and writers.

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Xan Townsend Xan Townsend

March 2022 Devlog

Hey everyone !! We have had an amazing month back on the development train and have been working hard for our Alpha release.

Our Alpha build will be ready for you to try by the end of May 2022 !!!

Plant Growing:

We have been working on developing the custom plants and how they grow. Developing the ways in which plants grow over time has been extremely interesting and unique and we are so excited for you all to see them. Make sure your water them everyday because they will take a while (just like a real plant) to show progress. You will have to care for them just like you would any real plant with some plants having a growing cycle of several months.

Omen Daisy’s:

The Omen now also can grow daisy’s on his little noggin. In future builds we are hoping that a selection of plants will be able to grown on the Omens head at a faster rate, and then replanted within your garden.

Seed Jars:

All of our plants now have custom seed jars !!! You will be able to plant them where ever you want on the island that has dirt made for growing with a simple shake.


Please join our Runaway Mage Discord !!! All announcements regarding the game, devlogs, and publications will be posted there (as well as socials). Also get the opportunity to chat to Misfit devs and writers.

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Xan Townsend Xan Townsend

February 2022 Devlog

Welcome back everyone !!! After a well deserved break during the COVID outbreak in Australia, we are on our final stretch before release an alpha build for the Oculus Quest 2.

With all the changes to Misfit VR and Misfit Media, we have merged the website so you can view content from both right here. We have Runaway Mage merch, books, dev columns, and the game itself all in the works. These will all be available through Misfit Media, the publishing branch, so make sure to keep an eye out for new content.

With the backend of our plant generation system complete, we are now working to implement these systems so that players can plant seeds and grow their own completely unique plants and trees. we currently have 5 different plants currently in the works for out Alpha build.

We have also been working on the plantable asset on top of the Omens head. Each player will also be able to grow a plant on top of the companion omens head as their island grows and expands. We would love suggestions as to which plant would best suit our companion creature, feel free to contact us on twitter or instagram and let us know.

We are also currently working on books that we will be publishing, containing the history of the magical Runaway Mage world, a gardening guide, monster manuals and more. All will be available through Misfit Media in the near future.


Please join our Runaway Mage Discord !!! All announcements regarding the game, devlogs, and publications will be posted there (as well as socials). Also get the opportunity to chat to Misfit devs and writers.

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Xan Townsend Xan Townsend

January 2022 - Job Listing (Filled)


Misfit VR is currently looking for a UE4 dev to push our title Runaway Mage to Alpha. It is a remote, contract job on milestone basis for approximately 4 weeks (timeline is flexible).

It is VR dev work, C++ and blueprinting. Animation and modular plant growing implementation. You will be provided extensive documentation outlining everything that has been done and how to use it as well as walk through videos from previous developers.


Additional Information/Specifics:

Virtual plant growing simulations:

•    Implementing modular plant scripts

•    cataloguing pre-defined plant structures

•    node based

•    implementing material component hierarchy (mesh hierarchy already implemented) (documentation provided)


Behavioural AI:

•    implementing additional ai behaviours in a pre-existing animation and behaviour structure


Hand tracking:

•    implementing UE4 base hand tracking for oculus quest 2 hand tracking

•    gesture and hand recognition to replace controller interface (additional feature)


Experience with Git Hub is preferred.


 Feel free to  email misfitvr.dev@gmail.com for more information including budget and the resources provided. 

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Xan Townsend Xan Townsend

March 2021 Devlog

As you have probably noticed, Runaway Mage devlogs have been a little sparse. Don’t fret, the Runaway Mage is still in full swing, we are just working on some big developments/announcements.

The Runaway Mage devlogs will also be moving house to Misfit Media, our new publication house. Thankyou for being patient while we establish the new platform and move the content over.

Misfit Media is a platform for some of Australia’s most knowledgeable columnists in pop culture. Founded in 2021 by 3D and VR Artist, Academic, Research Assistant, and Director at Misfit VR Xander Townsend. Misfit Media offers valuable industry insights and diverse point of views of the entertainment industry. Misfit Media’s columnists consistently release articles, with weekly or bi-weekly schedules.

We hope you will all continue to follow the development of Runaway Mage over on Misfit Media, with many announcements and publications to come.


Please join our Runaway Mage and Misfit Media Discord !!! All announcements regarding the game, devlogs, and publications will be posted there (as well as socials). Also get the opportunity to chat to Misfit devs and columnists

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Xan Townsend Xan Townsend

November 2020 Devlog

Runaway Mage took a little bit of a break this month. The team has been working hard and earnt a well deserved break, with the project back up and running at the start of December.


We did a little work this month of the watering plants aspect of gardening. We will be back up and running next month with a lot more gardening related content.


Again, playtesting is now up and running remotely, we would love to hear from anyone interesting in testing the demo and answering some questions. Please email us at misfitvr.dev@gmail.com  or use the contact tab with the subject line 'Runaway Mage - Demo Playtest'.

Runaway Mage Discord:

We now have an official Runaway Mage discord where all updates and releases will be posted. You also have the chance to chat and ask developers and artists questions. Please Join our community to stay up to date.

Thank you again for all your continued support.

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Xan Townsend Xan Townsend

October 2020 Devlog

This month randomised plant colour sets, more plant concept art, and save slots have been implemented.


There is now the ability to adjust the colour and textures of each plant variant. This will enable a customised, random colour set for each individual island. The randomising colour sets can be implemented all the plants and allow for everyone’s island to be different.



Some more plant concept art was drawn up this month. These are based on the amazing writing from out creative writer. These plants will be outlined with additional lore within the Tomes available in the environment. We will be making a library of growable plants completely custom to each individual island. More to come…


Save Slots:

There will now be save slots in Runaway Mage, one for each season. The player will choose the hat of the save slot they want, and when worn it will load the environment of the chosen save.


Again, playtesting is now up and running remotely, we would love to hear from anyone interesting in testing the demo and answering some questions. Please email us at misfitvr.dev@gmail.com  or use the contact tab with the subject line 'Runaway Mage - Demo Playtest'.

Runaway Mage Discord:

We now have an official Runaway Mage discord where all updates and releases will be posted. You also have the chance to chat and ask developers and artists questions. Please Join our community to stay up to date.

Thank you again for all your continued support.

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Xan Townsend Xan Townsend

September 2020 Devlog

This month we have been able to make extensive headway on the back end for the gardening mechanics and concept. We have also had the opportunity to showcase at some events and playtesting parties.



There are many complicated aspects involved with building a library of randomised plants all of different structures and s33izes. We have done extensive work creating and expanding on the plants that will be available to grow in the Runaway Mage environment, all of which will be custom to your specific Island.


There will also be plants of varying sizes, as well as mushrooms/fungi that you will be able to grow. These will all be grown procedurally at a rate similar to real life plants (so your plants may take a while to grow).


We have also drawn up a collection of concept art for some of the plants that will be in Runaway Mage. Our creative writer has been hard at work building these amazing plant concepts and writing the Tomes that will be available within the Runaway Mage environment. Here is a little snippet of some of the plants:



Again, playtesting is now up and running remotely, we would love to hear from anyone interesting in testing the demo and answering some questions. Please email us at misfitvr.dev@gmail.com  or use the contact tab with the subject line 'Runaway Mage - Demo Playtest'.

Runaway Mage Discord:

We now have an official Runaway Mage discord where all updates and releases will be posted. You also have the chance to chat and ask developers and artists questions. Please Join our community to stay up to date.

Thank you again for all your continued support.

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Xan Townsend Xan Townsend

August 2020 Devlog

This month the project has been on a little bit of a break so we apologise for the lack of content in this Devlog. We are working hard to obtain some additional funding for the project to get it to early access stage for 2021.


The main aspect of development that has made progress this month is the adaptive and custom gardening. We have made some progress on test growing for both plants and mushroom based flora. These plants will take weeks to grow and will need to be maintained over many in game days (similar to real world gardening).



Again, playtesting is now up and running remotely, we would love to hear from anyone interesting in testing the demo and answering some questions. Please email us at misfitvr.dev@gmail.com  or use the contact tab with the subject line 'Runaway Mage - Demo Playtest'.


Runaway Mage Discord:

We now have an official Runaway Mage discord where all updates and releases will be posted. You also have the chance to chat and ask developers and artists questions. Please Join our community to stay up to date.

Thank you again for all your continued support.

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Xan Townsend Xan Townsend

July 2020 Devlog

With the release of the demo, we have been working hard to fix up and smooth out any hitches in the build. We now have the demo at a place we are happy and are now working hard on the Alpha/Early access build for next year.



With playtesting now up and running remotely, we would love to hear from anyone interesting in testing the demo and answering some questions. Please email us at misfitvr.dev@gmail.com  or use the contact tab with the subject line 'Runaway Mage - Demo Playtest'.

Omen VFX:

We are still experimenting with the VFX for the Omen companion as the Quest is providing some limitations in terms of the graphical assets we can use. With it being a mobile device, there are many graphical compromises that need to be made and we are working hard to make sure everything looks the best it can.


The Omen is also continuously getting new animations and additional interactions. We hope that as he gets fleshed out we will become something everyone can seek comfort in, especially those who don't cannot have a companion animal at home during these times.

Adaptive Environment and Gardening:

The demo environment is designed in a way that it will change, upgrade and adapt with time as development progresses. As the gardening mechanics become available, the environment will continuously get fleshed out with additional assets and more island areas becoming available.


Future Development:

Currently, the project is on a break. We have worked hard to make sure we have a functioning demo and am now looking for some additional funding to get it to early access stage for 2021.

Runaway Mage Discord:

We now have an official Runaway Mage discord where all updates and releases will be posted. You also have the chance to chat and ask developers and artists questions. Please Join our community to stay up to date.

Thank you again for all your continued support.

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Xan Townsend Xan Townsend

June 2020 Devlog

Thank you for everyone's patience with the Runaway Mage project. As you can imagine, COVID-19 has had quite a significant impact on the project’s progression and we really appreciate your continued support through development. As I'm sure you have been waiting for, I can officially announce we have the Runaway Mage Demo build.

Demo Release:

With the Runaway Mage demo releasing on, June 30th 2020, we are looking for people who would be interested in playtesting the demo remotely. The build is for the Oculus Quest and will involve testing the demo whilst screen-sharing POV. You will also be required to answer questions from devs and complete a survey. If this is something you would be interested in please send an email to misfitvr.dev@gmail.com or use the contact tab with the subject line 'Runaway Mage - Demo Playtest'.


Companion Animal:

The Omen now has the capacity to make its own decisions and we are really working on making the Omen feel like a living, breathing creature. We have a fully implemented fetch mechanic as well as an eat and a pet, and the omen is really starting to come to life.


Project Scope:

Currently the Runaway Mage will have the Demo build and will also release an Alpha in August. We are working hard to make sure we have access to funds to continue developing the project past this but currently the Demo and Alpha will be our only releases.

Runaway Mage Discord:

We now have an official Runaway Mage discord where all updates and releases will be posted. You also have the chance to chat and ask developers and artists questions. Please Join our community to stay up to date.

Thank you again for all your continued support.

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Xan Townsend Xan Townsend

May 2020 Devlog

We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and making sure they are staying indoors.

Demo Release:

We finally can see the Demo coming together and we are very excited to call a new release date, June 30th 2020. We are so thankful for everyone's patience and we hope you all love the little companion we have brought to life.


Streaming the Game Process:

Lexi (3D Artist) will be streaming the 3D environment, and character creation/animation process on Twitch. Please check it out if you are interested in see what goes into creating the graphics and characters for the Runaway Mage game.

Demo Particles:

We have been really focusing on creating character and personality within the experience. A lot of that is done through particle effects and animations. We have been experimenting with more particles that can be implemented throughout and investigating what visual ques can make the game more charming.


Omen Animations:

The Omen now has additional and variant animations. He has become quite the character and we are very excited to see how people respond to him.


We will be conducting virtual playtesting after demo release on the 30th of June, please let us know if you are interested.

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Xan Townsend Xan Townsend

April 2020 Devlog

With the past month being difficult for so many people we hope you are all staying as safe and healthy as possible. With Covid-19 still significantly effecting the world, it has unfortunately affected the demo timeline as well as the future development and showcasing of the project. We are still working hard to continue making content and will make sure to keep everyone informed. We have had to push back the demo a little bit. but will get it released asap.

Demo Trailer:

We have also released the demo trailer making sure to keep it a endearing and a little mysterious. All the Runaway Mage trailers are a showcase of the building of the Island and what the mage there is up too.


This month we have been mainly fleshing out the ‘Omen’ companion animal as our playtesting will be centered around creating an emotional connection with him. Animations, Audio and particles have been updated.


If you are interested in playtesting, please send us an email or contact us on socials.

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Xan Townsend Xan Townsend

March 2020 Devlog

Everyone can agree that the past month has been more difficult than most with everything happening in the world. Although everything is different now we are still striving to get a demo out for playtesting on the 13th of April and we are very excited for you all too get the opportunity to immerse yourself in the environment we have been working hard to create.

Demo Environment:


We now have a finalised Demo environment and we are working on the Companion animal interactions and implementation. We hope you fall in love with the companion ‘Omen’ as much as we have.

Next Month:

With a Demo release we will be able to start playtesting which will now be done remotely. Keep an eye on socials if you are interesting in being involved.

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Xan Townsend Xan Townsend

February 2020 Devlog


Unfortunately due to the postponement of GDC 2020 the Runaway Mage project will no longer be in San Francisco. Although we have had to cancel our trip, we still will have a demo by the end of March. Thankyou everyone who contacted us regarding meetings and connections, we hope to reschedule and attend another industry leading conference later this year.

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Follow @Runaway_Mage on Instagram and Twitter.